My Grandpa(my dad's dad) has a disease called PSP. It enables him to about everything; eating, going to the bathroom, talking, showering, and more!
My Grandma had a bad stomach bug, kinda like the FLU! It passed onto my Grandpa and now he's in the hospital! His body is too weak to fight it off! His kidneys have stopped working completely, too! Yesterday, my mom informed me that while he was laying in the twin bed, the doctor leaned down to him, face-to-face, and shouted his name. My grandpa didn't even nudge! My mom and dad are worried that he might be entering a coma! Hope that is not true!!!
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Prayers are Needed...PLEASE!
This post was...posted by me, Abby on 9/25/2008 3 GREAT people have commented
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Back to the..PAST!
This post was...posted by me, Abby on 9/23/2008 3 GREAT people have commented
Monday, September 22, 2008
Searching For Blogging Buddies
I am so looking foward to meeting new people on here! Comment me!! PEACE!
This post was...posted by me, Abby on 9/22/2008 3 GREAT people have commented
Sunday, September 21, 2008

I hope I am not getting sick!
Yesterday Afternoon, My throat got sore, but I thought it might just be dried out! After I took a few sips of good ole' sweet tea, I felt fine! Later on last night at about 9:30 it hit me again, I begged for something to drink. Luckily, my mom had a glass of water nearby. So, I guzzled that down and I was peachy. I was coughing and sniffing with my hand on my neck, so my mom offered to go get me a cough/sore throat drop. She came back up stairs with 'em and I started to suck on 'em. It soothed my throat for about 10-15 minutes. But, by that I had to go to bed.
After a tiring night's rest, I got up and my throat was so dry! So, then I rushed to my mom's room and got another drop.Afterwards, I ate a bowl of cereal and that relaxed my throat for awhile. Right now, It's not as bad as it was last night, but it's not GREAT!
Hope I get better soon!
This post was...posted by me, Abby on 9/21/2008 4 GREAT people have commented
1st Time Blogger

This post was...posted by me, Abby on 9/21/2008 0 GREAT people have commented