I hope I am not getting sick!
Yesterday Afternoon, My throat got sore, but I thought it might just be dried out! After I took a few sips of good ole' sweet tea, I felt fine! Later on last night at about 9:30 it hit me again, I begged for something to drink. Luckily, my mom had a glass of water nearby. So, I guzzled that down and I was peachy. I was coughing and sniffing with my hand on my neck, so my mom offered to go get me a cough/sore throat drop. She came back up stairs with 'em and I started to suck on 'em. It soothed my throat for about 10-15 minutes. But, by that I had to go to bed.
After a tiring night's rest, I got up and my throat was so dry! So, then I rushed to my mom's room and got another drop.Afterwards, I ate a bowl of cereal and that relaxed my throat for awhile. Right now, It's not as bad as it was last night, but it's not GREAT!
Hope I get better soon!
4 GREAT people have commented:
Hey Abby Dabby!!
I love you with all my heart and I'm so very proud of you. You are smart, funny, beautiful, and very tender-hearted. I so glad that you're my daughter!
Hope you feel better soon!
Love you!
Aww hope you feel better!
hey its that girl that LUVES NICK JONAS!!!!!!!!!!!!we totally could!(be blogging buddies i mean!:)
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